If you want to learn the most common English abbreviations like FYI, brb, N/E/S/W, Dr. and more, then you’re in the right place. Check out this list of short form words in English.
List of Common Abbreviations in English
Let’s get into the abbreviations in English that you need to know!
- corp = corporation
- BS = Bachelor of science
- bro = brother
- brb = be right back
- BA = Bachelor of Arts
- Ave. = Avenue
- asst. = assistant
- a.m. = Before noon
- Dr. = Doctor
- Dr. = Drive
- E = East
- e.g. = for example
- etc. = etcetera
- i.e. = that is
- IMO = in my opinion
- Inc. = Incorporated
- jk = joking
- lol = laugh out loud
- Ltd. = Limited
- MA = Master of Arts
- MBA = Master of Business Administration
- Mr. = Mister
- Mrs. = Misses
- Ms. = Miss
- N = North
- n.b. = take note
- NE = North East
- np = no problem
- NW = North West
- p.m. = after noon
- P.S. = written after
- Rd. = Road
- S = South
- SE = South East
- sis = sister
- SW = South West
- FYI = for your information
- tbh = to be honest
- ty = thank you
- VP = Vice president
- vs = versus
- W = West
English Abbreviations with Pictures
Check out these English short-form words, along with pictures to help you get the meaning of them.
corp = corporation
BS = Bachelor of Science
bro = brother
brb = be right back
BA = Bachelor of Arts
Ave. = Avenue
asst = assistant
a.m. = before noon
Dr. = Doctor
Dr. = Drive
E = East
e.g. = for example
etc. = etcetera
i.e. = that is
IMO = in my opinion
Inc. = incorporated
jk = joking
lol = laugh out loud
Ltd = Limited
MA = Master of Arts
MBA = Master of Business Administration
Mr. = Mister
Mrs. = Misses
Ms. = Miss
N = North
n.b. = take note
NE = North East
np = no problem
NW = North West
p.m. = after noon
P.S. = written after
Rd. = Road
S = South
SE = South East
sis = sister
SW = South West
FYI = for your information
tbh = to be honest
ty = thank you
VP= Vice President
vs = versus
W = West
Common English Abbreviations Chart
Take a look at this chart of common abbreviation words in English.
FAQs about Abbreviation Examples
There are a number of common questions that people have about short forms in English. Here are the answers to some of the most popular ones.
What does “ASAP” stand for?
“ASAP” stands for “As Soon As Possible.”
What is the abbreviation for “etcetera”?
The abbreviation for “etcetera” is “etc.”
What does “FYI” mean?
“FYI” means “For Your Information.”
What is the abbreviation for “United States”?
The abbreviation for “United States” is “U.S.”
What does “DIY” stand for?
“DIY” stands for “Do It Yourself.”
What is the abbreviation for “International Business Machines Corporation”?
The abbreviation for “International Business Machines Corporation” is “IBM.”
What does “UNESCO” stand for?
“UNESCO” stands for “United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.”
What is the abbreviation for “Doctor”?
The abbreviation for “Doctor” is “Dr.”
What does “FAQ” mean?
“FAQ” means “Frequently Asked Question.”
What is the abbreviation for “Number”?
The abbreviation for “Number” is “No.”
What does “CEO” stand for?
“CEO” stands for “Chief Executive Officer.”
What is the abbreviation for “National Aeronautics and Space Administration”?
The abbreviation for “National Aeronautics and Space Administration” is “NASA.”
What does “IQ” mean?
“IQ” means “Intelligence Quotient.”
Abbreviations Quiz
Learn More English Vocabulary
Now that you’ve mastered short forms in English, it’s time to turn your attention to other things! Here are some things to get started with:
- Things that Come in Pairs (in English)
- Computer parts name list
- English Fruit Names
- Names of Musical Instruments
- Sea Animals List
- Vegetables Names in English
- Herbivore Animals List
- Shapes List
English Abbreviations List: Join the Conversation
Do you have any English abbreviations that you’d like us to add to this list? Or, any tips for remembering them? Leave a comment and let us know. We’d love to hear from you!
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